Horizontal unit location
Units are not designed for
outdoor installation. Locate
the unit in an indoor area that
allows enough space for service
personnel to perform typical
maintenance or repairs without
removing unit from the ceiling.
Horizontal units are typically
installed above a false ceiling or
in a ceiling plenum. Never install
units in areas subject to freezing
or where humidity levels could
cause cabinet condensation
(such as unconditioned spaces
subject to 100% outside air).
Consideration should be given to
access for easy removal of the
filter and service access panels.
Provide sufficient room to make
water, electrical, and duct
If the unit is located in a confined
space, provisions must be
made for return air to freely
enter the space by means of a
louvered door, etc. Any access
panel screws that would be
difficult to remove after the unit
is installed should be removed
prior to setting the unit. Refer to
Figure 4 for an illustration of a
typical installation. Refer to unit
submittal data or engineering
design guide for dimensional
The installation of water
source heat pump units and all
associated components, parts
and accessories which make
up the installation shall be in
accordance with the regulations
of all authorities having
jurisdiction and must conform
to all applicable codes. It is the
responsibility of the installing
contractor to determine and
comply with all applicable codes
and regulations.
Follow these guidelines when
selecting unit location:
Provide a hinged access door
in concealed-spline or plaster
ceilings. Provide removable
ceiling tiles in T-bar or lay-in
ceilings. Refer to horizontal
unit dimensions for specific
series and model in unit
submittal data.
Size the access opening to
accommodate the service
technician during the removal
or replacement of the
compressor and the removal
or installation of the unit itself.
Zehnder Rittling recommends
at least 24" clearance around
all service access panels
Provide access to hanger
brackets, water valves and
fittings. Provide screwdriver
clearance to access panels,
discharge collars and all
electrical connections.
Provide access for filter
service. Filter access doors
are located at both ends of the
filter track.
Do not obstruct the space
beneath the unit with piping,
electrical cables and other
items that prohibit future
removal of components or the
unit itself.
Use a manual portable jack/lift
to lift and support the weight
of the unit during installation
and servicing.
Horizontal installation