EN - 22 - For the installer
3.6.3 Connection of the air ducts
Supply air
Return air
Exhaust air
Outside air
ComfoAir 200 - Left
Return air
Supply air
Outside air
Exhaust air
ComfoAir 200 - Right
The following aspects must be taken into account,
while installing the air ducts:
• Install a silencer directly onto the supply and
return connections. For relevant advice, please
contact Zehnder.
• Install, the air ducts with a minimum ø of 125 mm,
as little air resistance as possible and free from air
• When
fl exible channels only Zehnder chan-
nel systems may be used. Any other fl exible
channel will disturb the basic operating principle
of the balanced ventilation system.
• We recommend that the ventilation system be fi t-
ted with intake and exhaust valves made by Zeh-
• Insulate the outside air supply and the air exhaust
duct between the roof/wall passage to render the
ComfoAir damp proof. This prevents the forma-
tion of condensation on the outside of the ducts.
• The air exhaust duct must be fi tted with a doub-
le-walled or insulated roof passage. This prevents
the formation of condensation between the roof
boarding. In addition, the air exhaust
duct must drain in the direction of the
• To prevent unnecessary temperature loss in eit-
her the summer or the winter, we recommend
fi tting thermal and damp-proof insulation to the
supply ducts from the ComfoAir up to the supply-