Important Siting and Application Considerations
ZyPerUHD Equipment Type and Uses
ZyPerUHD Intended Uses
Equipment is intended for the distribution of Audio Visual Information in and around
a facility.
Equipment is intended to distribute Human Interface and control information over the
same network as the Audio Visual information following the same or different logical
distribution paths.
Equipment does not generate video information itself, but accepts and distributes
video information from industry-standard devices which generate such audio visual
Equipment is intended for the sophisticated display and presentation of decoded
information that has been distributed by companion ZyPerUHD equipment.
Equipment is intended to be controlled from a central control node (the ZyPerMP)
which ties in to a customer control system for sophisticated presentation and
management of the information flow and direction.
WARNING: The installer should test and validate a complete setup with
the actual devices before deploying to a final production installation.
User Manual