Frag. Threshold
Fragmentation mechanism is used for improving the efficiency when high traffic flows along in
the wireless network. If your IEEE 802.11g Wireless LAN USB Adapter often transmits large
files in the wireless network, you can enable the Fragmentation Threshold by clicking the
button and the mechanism will split the packet. The default value is 2346 (Disable).
Nitro time
The Wireless Utility provides Nitro technology, the fast wireless connectivity to enrich network
throughput and stability. This technology combines new speed enhancement to increase
throughput 40 times faster than 802.11b Wireless LAN products. Enables an automatic, secure,
high-speed link between wireless clients while maintaining communications with the AP. By
increasing the value, the IEEE 802.11g Wireless LAN USB Adapter will be able to logically
consume more bandwidth than legacy 11b product does. The default value is 1400.