not necessarily a good idea in a security-sensitive environment. You can always open
individual ports in your router or firewall manually.
In the camera UPnP is enabled by default. UPnP port forwarding is disabled by default. When
you enable UPnP port forwarding, the screen will reveal additional options. These are the
ports the camera will instruct the router to open. Depending on the camera model, you may
see different ports. The new H.264 Megapixel cameras have a simpler port model and require
fewer ports than the other models. Normally there is no need to change any of these ports,
unless you know that a port is already in use by a different device or application.
UPnP Bonjour is a service that, just like UPnP, helps to find the network camera on the
network. Bonjour is available for Windows, but is more commonly used for MacOS..
Bonjour On- Enables the service (on by default).
Bonjour Off- Disables the service
Device name- Enter the name of your camera here. This is the name the Bonjour
service will display. If you have more than one camera installed in your network, this is
an easy way to differentiate among the cameras.