the object of interest is now properly lit.
White Dynamic Range:
WDR stands for Wide Dynamic Range and allows the ZAVIO network camera to capture
video in areas with high contrasting objects; e.g., extremely bright and extremely dark.
Activate WDR by setting it to “Auto” and then adjust the level that controls the amount
of WDR enhancement.
Noise Reduction:
Your ZAVIO camera features a noise reduction algorithm, which helps reduce the
graining in the video, which occurs under low light conditions. Set this parameter to
“Night Mode” to only activate noise reduction when the camera is operating in night
mode. You can also select “Schedule”, “On” (activates noise reduction permanently) or
“Off” (deactivated noise reduction permanently).
3D Denoise:
Improves video noise reduction to deliver sharper, more accurate images.
6.3.2 Lens Settings