Once the assembly of the machine is finished, and that the pairing process has been followed (when
necessary), you’re ready to start.
Go to the water with the Zapata Flyride and proceed to the following:
Gyroscopes reset (section 7):
Place Zapata Flyride on a stationary surface (ex: dock)
Press and release the red button
Wait 10 seconds, the handlebar will vibrate once : the gyroscopes are reset.
Select difficulty level (section8), then turn the PWC on. Zapata Flyride is ready to fly.
Once in the water, mount the Zapata Flyride™ and press the green button (start).
Press the throttle (right trigger) or (depending on the case) let the watercraft driver accelerate.
Zapata Flyride™ has an assisted take-off technology: power will build and reach its maximum over 25
seconds to avoid a sudden start.
During the take-off phase, avoid moving the handlebar as much as possible. If necessary, balance the
machine with the weight of your body. Set a point on the horizon to help with balance.