Better planning,
to produce more
at a lower cost.
CooK & Chill
oven and blast Chiller
More logically programmed work
prepare food at any time
the individual steps of production,
preparation and service are
temporally disconnected from one
another and you can add them
to the daily schedule in the most
beneficial way
manage the staff in a more
profitable way
increase productivity
Enhance economic efficiency
prepare and cook foods in greater
quantities, simultaneously
cut down the cost of fresh produce:
you can purchase the produce
when it costs less
reduce waste due to deadlines,
thanks to the rapid work process
significantly cut down on energy
optimize machinery use
reduce the space of the kitchen
area (the storage area will increase
Avoid peak periods, stress and
prepare the food at any time,
distributing the work more
logically during the day
Lower staff expenses
production time management is
perfect: the profit is greater with
less dedicated staff
regenerating is simple and you can
also make use of less qualified staff
increased productivity per worker
save overtime and holidays: the
production personnel is employed
only on business days
increase peace of mind in your
workers thanks to a less stressful
Ensure more security and reliability
you will have ready to serve meals
at the right time: guaranteed!
food safety: all the food processing
is done under high levels of hygiene
comply with HACCP standards
perfectly: the blast chilling process
is monitored and recorded in all its
Increase flexibility
increased flexibility in terms
of time and space
increased performance for the
same machines
Increase quality
the preparation of the food is
made easier and its presentation
is better. You can also use more
seasonal products.
increase your customer satisfaction:
you will have more time and
attention to dedicate to them
eliminate long waiting times for
cooking/heating the food
improve the selection of menus for
evenings, weekends and commercial
improve the presentation of the
food for banquets and in hospitals.
Cold processing can be made in
advance, without a time limit.
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