GP941E 11/01
Checking the Installation of the FR. As soon as practicable after landing, an OO shall inspect the installation of
the FR in the glider (including any sealing to the glider), so that this can be compared to the check described in
para B1.1 above. The transfer of flight data shall then take place in accordance with B2.3.
Transferring the Flight Data. The flight data can be transferred to a portable PC at the glider, without disturbing
the installation of the FR (see para A7.1). If a portable PC is not available, the OO shall check and break any
sealing to the glider, and take the FR to a PC. If the OO is not familiar with the actions required, the pilot or
another person may transfer the data while the OO witnesses the process. Security is maintained by electronic
coding embedded in the FR which is then independently checked later at the NAC (and at FAI if the claim goes
to them).
Method: This FR has a small internal battery and the use of external power is not essential for data to be trans-
ferred from FR to a PC. Use the standard IGC connector cable which has a 9-pin RS232 male connector for the
FR and a RS232 female connector for the PC. The connector on the FR is the female RS232 on the end face
that has the red light, not the male RS232 on the end face with the antenna connection. A current version of the
short program file DATA-ZAN.EXE must be available on the PC. This program is available free from the IGC
GNSS web site for software given at the beginning of this document, or through a link from the main
fai.org/gliding/gnss web site. The DATA program file can be executed on either a floppy diskette or on the PC
hard disk. When the DATA program is executed, the software version is shown at the top of the menu (see
under software on page 1, which gives the required version). This program file executes in the normal way such
as either by typing at a DOS prompt ADATA-ZAN, enter@; or by double-clicking "DATA-ZAN" in a Windows file
list (File Manager for W3x, Windows Explorer for W95/98/ME or NT/2000). If settings such as the COM port,
Baud rate, etc. need to be changed, the help menu is accessed by typing the file name, space, hyphen, then the
letter h.
Files produced. This process will automatically produce both a *.ZAN binary format file and an *.IGC-format
flight data file both with the file name YMDCXXXF, where Y=year, M=month, D=day, C= manufacturer, XXX =
FR Serial Number/letters and F = flight number of the day (full key, Appendix 1 to the IGC GNSS FR Specifica-
tion, also listed in Annex C to the Sporting Code, SC3C).
OO's Copy. A copy of both the *.ZAN and *.IGC files shall be retained securely by the OO such as by immedia-
tely copying them to a separate diskette or PC card, or by the use of the OO's own PC. These files shall be
retained by the OO in safe keeping for later checking and analysis under NAC/IGC procedures.
Storage media. The OO may keep the required data files on a floppy diskette or other industry-standard portab-
le storage media. The hard disk of a PC may also be used but the OO must be able to positively identify the
flight data files as being from the flight concerned.
Competitions: Different rules may apply for competition flights, for which a central data transfer facility may be
used. For ease of identification within the competition, file names may be changed, for instance to the glider
competition number or the pilot's name. Integrity of data within the file is preserved by the electronic security
system and may be checked at any time by using the VALI-ZAN program file.
Analysis of Flight Data Files. A Data Analyst approved by the NAC will then evaluate the flight using an analy-
sis program approved by the NAC concerned (list, see the IGC GNSS web site under SOFTWARE). In addition
to checking flight data, an authenticated version of the file VALI-ZAN.EXE shall be used by the NAC and by FAI
(if the data goes to them) to check the electronic security coding, that the FR had not been interfered with, and
that the flight data in the *.IGC file has not been altered since it was transferred from the FR. The version
number of the VALI file is shown at the top of the screen when the file is executed. The latest version of VALI-
ZAN should be used and is available from the IGC GNSS web site for software given at the beginning of this
Method: at the appropriate prompt or run function, type VALI-ZAN.EXE followed by a space and the name of the
file to be checked. The messages "electronic seal o.k." and "security check o.k."should appear. If there is a
problem the messages will be "Electronic seal faulty! Flight data invalid! Return FDR to manufacturer for reset!";
in this case the NAC or other validating authority must investigate the reason. It should be noted that GFAC
tests include ensuring that the change of a single character in an otherwise-correct IGC file, cause the VALI
program to fail as indicated above.
Means of Propulsion (MoP) Record - Motor Gliders. The MoP must either be sealed or inoperative, or the built-
in microphone system used that records a three-number Engine Noise Level (ENL) with each fix on the IGC file.
See para 2.2 for more details on the ENL system. ENL values recorded on GFAC tests are given below, in the
sequence of a flight.