GP941E 11/01
should also be avoided, except for normal aero-tow launches. For ENL levels that have been recorded on
GFAC tests, see B.4.2.
After Flight - The pilot must ensure that the time and point of landing has been witnessed and recorded for com-
parison with that recorded by the Recorder (see para B2.1). Until an OO has witnessed the FR installation to
the glider, the pilot must not alter the installation or remove the FR from the glider. The OO will carry out the
actions given in para B2.3, and the OO's copy of the transferred flight data will be sent to the NAC. The OO
does not personally have to transfer the data from the FR, but witnesses the transfer and takes or is given a
copy on electronic media. Different rules may apply for competition flights, for which a central data transfer
facility may be used, but for a flight to IGC record and badge rules, the above continues to apply.
Use of Portable PC at the glider. So that there is no need to disturb the cockpit installation or any sea-
ling to the glider, a portable (laptop/notebook) PC can be used for transferring the data at the glider. The por-
table PC may be owned by the pilot or any other person. It should be set up for ease of downloading, such as
by easy access to the current DATA-ZAN.EXE program file or an equivalent program from the manufacturer that
carries out the same function. Transfer of flight data is witnessed by the OO, and the flight data in both ZAN
and IGC formats is then given to the OO on portable media such as a floppy diskette.
Calibration of Barograph Function. Pilots are advised to have a barograph calibration carried out either by the
manufacturer or by an NAC-approved calibrator before any GNSS FR is used for a claimed flight performance.
For the procedure, see para B5. A valid IGC-format file showing the pressure steps used in the calibration must
be recorded and kept (Sporting Code rule). Altitude and height claims require a calibration for the flight perfor-
mance concerned, and speed and distance claims need a calibration for calculating the altitude difference of the
glider at the start and finish points. Also, the NAC or FAI may wish to compare pressure altitudes recorded on
the FR for takeoff and at landing, with QNH pressures for the appropriate times recorded by a local meteorolo-
gical office.
------------------- end of Annex A --------------------
Annex B to IGC Approval dated 30 October 2001
To be read together with the main terms of approval to which this is an Annex. It is recommended that a copy
of this approval document is kept with the equipment concerned, for the use of pilots and Official Observers.
Installation and Takeoff Records
Installation in the Glider. An OO shall witness and record the position of the FR in the glider, the type and serial
number of the particular FR, the glider type and registration, date and time. The individual serial number of the
recorder consists of three characters made up of letters and/or numbers, and is shown on the case of the recor-
der. Before flight, if requested, the OO shall then seal the FR to the glider in a way acceptable to his NAC and
to IGC, and such sealing may be at any time or date before flight. If sealing is not used, either a preflight check
of the installation must be made after which the glider must be under continuous observation by an OO until it
takes off on the claimed flight, or an OO must witness the landing and have the glider under continuous obser-
vation until the FR installation is checked. This is to ensure that the installation is correct, and that another FR
has not been substituted in the glider before the data transfer (B2.3). See paras 2 and 3 of the Conditions of
Approval. Regarding the position of any ancillary displays connected to the FR, see para 2.1 in the Conditions of
Approval which refers to sight-lines and the need for pilot lookout and scan.
At Takeoff. The time and point of takeoff shall be recorded, either by an OO, other reliable witnesses, or by
other means such as an Air Traffic Control or official Club log of takeoffs and landings. This will be compared to
the FR takeoff data.
At Landing. The time and point of landing shall be recorded, either by an OO, other reliable witnesses, or by
other means such as an Air Traffic Control or official Club log of takeoffs and landings. This will be compared
to the FR landing data.