Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
When you do this, a window pops up reminding the user that, for changes to IP Address / Netmask
/ Gateway to take effect, a reboot is required and asking if a reboot is desired. Click “Ok” (and
then “Ok” to the “Are you sure?” window after that) to start rebooting.
The first time this is done, it may take up to 15 seconds for the window to pop up as
values get initialized
A new IP address is assigned to the unit through DHCP. You have two ways of finding out that IP
address. The first is to check the serial UI for the new value:
The second method is to use the Windows utility ZFinder. To do this, confirm the Windows PC with
ZFinder is connected to the same network in which the Z3-DM8168-RPS is connected.
Figure 27 Reboot Reminder for Changing IP Settings
Figure 28 Address Change after DHCP Set
New address is here