This Remote Control has 10 different button groups to control 10 different devices or groups of devices.
Operating modes for direct device control:
The devices supports 8 different operating modes for these groups - this means the kind of command sent out
when pushing a button. Operating modes either directly control other devices or they issue various scene
activation commands to a central controller. Operating modes for direct device control are:
Direct Control of associated devices with On/Off/Dim commands (parameter 11...21 = 1). Devices are
controlled using Basic Set On/Off commands and SwitchMultilevel Dim Start/Stop. This mode
implements communication pattern 7. Each button of the button group has different functions:
,On' - short click: turn on device(s)
,On' - pushed: dim up light or wind up jalousie until button is released
,Off' - short click: turn off device(s)
,Off' - pushed: dim down light or wind down jalousie until button is released
Status: Call the status of the device controlled. Blue LED indicated 'on', red LED indicates
'off'. A blinking LED indicated that different devices controlled by this button group have
different switching states.
Direct Control of associated devices with only On/Off commands (parameter 11...21 = 2). Devices are
controlled using only Basic Set On/Off commands. On dimming Up event On is sent, on dimming
Down Off is sent. This mode also implements communication pattern 7.