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Use standard move_base and amcl to run robot from where to where
1) I suppose you have just finished gmapping demo, and get a new map
Run move_base and amcl command on your robot PC.
Use SSH command to open a SSH terminal from your desktop PC to
remote login robot PC, and then launch the following command:
$ roslaunch rbx1_nav yz_demo_move.launch map:=my_map.yaml
You can look over the yz_demo_move.launch file and learn more details
about this launch command.
Run RVIZ on your desktop PC ternimal
Before run RVIZ, please let your desktop PC’s ROS MASTER redirect to
robot PC ROS core:
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://robot IP:11311
$ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/nav_test.rviz
Use <2D Pose Estimate>to initial robot pose at beginning.
Use <2D Nav Goal> to assign a new target for robot to reach.