11 Collyer Quay
#10-04 The Arcade
Singapore 049317
Follow all safety precautions of other system components used.
Use a module for its intended purpose only.
Contact your module supplier if maintenance is necessary.
3.0 Electrical Characteristics
3.0 Electrical Characteristics
3.0 Electrical Characteristics
3.0 Electrical Characteristics
The module electrical ratings are measured under Standard Test Conditions (STC) of 1 kW/m²
irradiance with AM 1.5G spectrum and a cell temperature of 25º C. YURAKU modules deliver
specific electrical characteristics.
A photovoltaic module may produce more current and/or voltage than reported at STC.
Sunny, cool weather and reflection from snow or water can increase current and power output.
Therefore, the values of Isc and Voc marked on the module should be multiplied by a factor of
1.25 when determining component voltage ratings, conductor ampacities, fuse sizes, and size of
controls connected to PV output. An additional 1.25 multiplier may be required by the NEC for
sizing fuses and conductors as described in the NEC Section 690-8.
3.1 Fire Rating
3.1 Fire Rating
3.1 Fire Rating
3.1 Fire Rating
The module is Class C fire rated.
3.2 Bypass Diode Rating
3.2 Bypass Diode Rating
3.2 Bypass Diode Rating
3.2 Bypass Diode Rating
The bypass diode of Junction Box is Tyco -SL1010, 40V, 11A rated.
4.0 Installation
4.0 Installation
4.0 Installation
4.0 Installation
Modules should be firmly fixed in place in a manner suitable to withstand all expected
loads, including wind and snow loads.
We recommend installation methods shown in Figure 1. In some areas, local electrical
codes may govern the installation and use of PV modules.