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8. Storage of unused valves
Store and manage unused and spare valves in a proper storage place.
To avoid rust and corrosion, do not store the valve in the following places.
High-temperature, humid, or freezing places
Places potentially exposed to the direct influence of weather
Places where chemicals, such as organic solvents, acids, and alkalis, are present or the
effect of vaporized gas potentially exists
Places where dew condensation potentially occurs due to substantial temperature
9. Disposal
When disposing of this valve, completely drain the hydraulic fluid and dispose of the valve as
general industrial waste.
10. Customer service
If there are requests regarding our products or if any services are required, please contact the
place of purchase, our customer support, or the following sales department.
International Sales Department,
Global Business Division
4-4-34, Kamitsuchidana-Naka, Ayase,
Kanagawa Pref. 252-1113, Japan
Phone: +81-467-77-3111
Fax: +81-467-77-3115
History of Publication
ELDFG-*EH Series Direct Operated and High
Response Type Proportional Electro-Hydraulic
Directional and Flow Control Valves
December 2013 First edition of the English version Pub. EM-1359
Published by:
Public Relations Group, Products Publicity Section,
Sales Administration Department
Hamamatsucho Seiwa Bldg., 4-8, Shiba-Daimon 1-Chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012, Japan