1 Introduction
This document is CLM920 Mini PCIE module hardware interface manual, designed to
describe the hardware of CLM920 , component and function characteristics, application
interface definition and user instructions, electrical and mechanical characteristics, etc.,
provide hardware user guide for user application development based on this product.
ADC Analog-Digital Converter
AFC Automatic Frequency Control
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
B2B Board to Board Connector
BER Bit Error Rate
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
DAI Digital Audio interface
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DTR Data Terminal Ready
EFR Enhanced Full Rate
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
ESD Electronic Static Discharge
EVDO Evolution Data Only
FR Full Rate
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
HR Half Rate
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
ISO International Standards Organization
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PPP Point-to-point protocol
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read-only Memory
RTC Real Time Clock
SMS Short Message Service
UART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
UIM User Identifier Management
USB Universal Serial Bus
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio