1. Get into the administration page.
2. Video Snapshot.
3. Show the system time, video resolution, and video refreshing rate.
4. Full Screen: Clicking on the button to change the view to full screen
mode. Press
or double-click the view again for returning to
normal view.
5. Adjust image: Select the video scale from default to 1/2x, 1x, 2x.
6. Select video streaming source (If the streaming 2&3 settings are both
closed in
‘Video Setting’, this option will not appear here.)
7. Shows how many people are connected to this IP camera.
Double-clicking on the live screen will change the direction of the
Right-Click the mouse on the video, a small menu will pop up.
1. Snapshot: Save a JPEG picture.
2. Record Start: Record the video in the local PC. It will ask where to
save the video. To stop recording, right-click again and Select
Record Stop
The video format is AVI. Use Microsoft Media Player to play the
recorded file.
3. Full Screen: Full-screen mode.
4. Zoom: Enable the zoom-in and zoom-out functions. First, select
Enable digital zoom
option within the pop-up dialogue box and then
drag and drop the bar to adjust the zoom factors.