Attaching the Mattress Platform
Step 6:
Place the Mattress Platform into the support brackets. (Before inserting bolts, make sure the instruc-
tion holder and the warning label are facing up and readable as shown in Figure 6a.
After the Mattress Platform is in place, use the (4)
2 3/8”
connector bolts to attach the Mattress Plat-
form to the support brackets. Insert each bolt in place and start the bolt into the bracket threads. See
Figure 6a. Do not completely tighten the Mattress Platform bolts at this time.
Figure 6b is how your crib should look with Warning labels facing the front of the crib.
When child is able to pull to a standing position, set the mattress platform to the lowest position and
remove bumper pads, large toys and other objects that could serve as steps for climbing out.
Figure 6a.
Figure 6a.
Figure 6b.