1.2.2 Symbols on the display
The display has three figures in green, plus the sign
and one decimal. It also shows the symbols of the
functions selected in orange (the alarm symbol is red).
LED permanently lit
LED flashing
Compressor operating *
Timing start-up
Compressor on call
Water pump operating
Fans operating
Defrost active
Alarm activated
Cool cycle
Heat cycle
Operational compressor number
Unit status
Loads default values
Applies voltage when pressed
Returns to superior sub-group within programming area until output of same (ex‐
cept changes in E2PROM)
Press once
Access to Direct parameters
Press for 5 seconds
Selects a Direct parameter and shows its value / Confirms parameter changes
Press once
-3- + ‑6-
Parameter programming with password
Press for 5 seconds
Selection of higher parameter within the programming area
Press once or keep pressed down
Increase value
Press once or keep pressed down
Selection of heat function from standby position and vice versa (P6=1)
Press for 5 seconds
Selection of lower parameter within the programming area
Press once or keep pressed down
Reduce value
Press once or keep pressed down
Selection of cool function from standby position and vice versa (P6=1)
Press for 5 seconds
-4- + ‑5-
Manual alarm reset
Press for 5 seconds
Clears hour counters (within programming area)
Press for 5 seconds
-6- + ‑1-
Forced manual defrost
Press for 5 seconds
User manual
Operating instructions µC2 (YLHA 50, 60 and 80)