FORM 201.19-NM6 (804)
This equipment is a relatively complicated ap pa ra tus.
Dur ing installation, operation, maintenance or service,
in di vid u als may be exposed to certain com po nents or
conditions in clud ing, but not limited to: re frig er ants,
oils, materials un der pressure, rotating com po nents, and
both high and low voltage. Each of these items has the
po ten tial, if misused or handled im prop er ly, to cause
bodi ly injury or death. It is the obligation and re spon -
si bil i ty of operating/service per son nel to iden ti fy and
rec og nize these inherent hazards, protect them selves,
and pro ceed safely in completing their tasks. Failure
to com ply with any of these requirements could re sult
in se ri ous dam age to the equipment and the prop er ty in
which it is sit u at ed, as well as severe personal injury or
death to them selves and people at the site.
This document is intended for use by owner-authorized
operating/service personnel. It is expected that this in-
di vid u al possesses independent training that will en able
them to perform their assigned tasks properly and safe ly.
It is essential that, prior to performing any task on this
equipment, this individual shall have read and un der -
stood this document and any referenced materials. This
in di vid u al shall also be familiar with and comply with
all ap pli ca ble governmental standards and regulations
per tain ing to the task in question.
The following symbols are used in this document to alert the reader to areas of potential hazard:
CAUTION identifi es a hazard which
could lead to damage to the ma chine,
damage to other equip ment and/or
en vi ron men tal pollution. Usually an
in struc tion will be given, together with
a brief ex pla na tion.
NOTE is used to highlight ad di tion al
information which may be helpful to
DANGER indicates an im mi nent ly
hazardous situation which, if not
avoid ed, will re sult in death or se ri ous
WARNING indicates a potentially
haz ard ous sit u a tion which, if not
avoid ed, could result in death or se-
ri ous in ju ry.
External wiring, unless specifi ed as an optional connection in the man u fac tur er’s prod uct
line, is NOT to be connected inside the micro pan el cab i net. De vic es such as re lays, switch es,
transducers and controls may NOT be installed inside the mi cro pan el. NO external wiring
is al lowed to be run through the micro panel. All wir ing must be in ac cor dance with YORK’s
pub lished spec i fi ca tions and must be per formed ONLY by qual i fi ed YORK personnel. YORK
will not be re spon si ble for dam ag es/problems re sult ing from im prop er con nec tions to the
con trols or ap pli ca tion of im prop er con trol sig nals. Failure to fol low this will void the
man u fac tur er’s warranty and cause serious dam age to property or injury to per sons.
Summary of Contents for YCAS
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Page 65: ...65 YORK INTERNATIONAL FORM 201 19 NM6 804 7 LD09359 Electronic Panel 035 19205 104 Rev A...
Page 81: ...81 YORK INTERNATIONAL FORM 201 19 NM6 804 LD09378 CONNECTION WIRING DIAGRAM Electronic Panel...
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