York YCAL Series Start-Up Checklist Download Page 5

FORM 150.66-CL2 (820)



After the subcooling is verified, the suction superheat 

should be checked. The superheat should be checked only 

after steady state operation of the chiller has been estab-

lished, the leaving water temperature has been pulled down 

to the required leaving water temperature, and the unit is 

running in a fully loaded condition. Correct superheat set-

ting for a system is 10°F to 15°F (5.56°C to 8.33°C) 18 in. 

(46 cm) from the cooler.

Set superheat for no less than 10°F with only a single 

compressor running on a circuit.

 The superheat is cal-

culated as the difference between the actual temperature 

of the returned refrigerant gas in the suction line enter-

ing the compressor and the temperature corresponding 

to the suction pressure as shown in a standard pressure/

temperature chart.



Suction Temp = 



minus Suction Press

  106 psig converted to Temp   - 34°F


Superheat =   12°F 

When adjusting the expansion valve (TXV only), the 

adjusting screw should be turned not more than one 

turn at a time, allowing sufficient time (approximately 

15 minutes) between adjustments for the system and the 

thermal expansion valve to respond and stabilize.

Ensure that superheat is set at a minimum of 10°F (5.56°C) 

with a single compressor running on each circuit.   

 2.  Record the suction temperature, suction pressure, 

suction saturation temperature, and superheat of 

each system below:


 SYS 1 


Suction Temp =  _______  °F


Suction Pressure =  _______  psig


 Saturation Temp =  _______  °F


Superheat =  _______  °F


 1.  Leak check compressors, fittings, and piping to 

ensure no leaks.

If the unit is functioning satisfactorily during the initial 

operating period, no safeties trip and the compressors 

cycle to control water temperature to setpoint, the chiller 

is ready to be placed into operation.
