035-17311-000 REV A (1200))
Unitary Products Group
Inspect once a month. Replace disposable or clean perma-
nent type as necessary. DO NOT replace permanent type
with disposable.
Indoor fan and outdoor fan motors are permanently lubricated
and require no maintenance.
Dirt should not be allowed to accumulate on the outdoor coil
surface or other parts in the air circuit. Cleaning should be as
often as necessary to keep coil clean. Use a brush, vacuum
cleaner attachment, or other suitable means. If water is used
to clean coil, be sure power to the unit is shut off prior to
cleaning. Service access is provided in the front and rear
condenser compartment panels to provide improved access
to the condenser coils.
NOTE: Exercise care when cleaning the coil so that the coil
fins are not damaged. Do not permit the outdoor air dis-
charge to be obstructed by overhanging structures of shrubs.
Various flash codes are utilized by the unit control board
(UCB) to aid troubleshooting. Flash codes are distinguished
by the short on and off cycle used (approximately 200ms on
and 200ms off). To show normal operation, the control board
flashes a 1 second on, 1 second off “heartbeat” during normal
operation. This is to verify that the UCB is functioning cor-
rectly. Do not confuse this with an error flash code. To prevent
confusion, a 1-flash, flash code is not used.
Current alarms are flashed on the UCB LED. The alarm his-
tory can be checked by pressing and releasing the ALARMS
button on the UCB. The UCB will cycle through the last five
(5) alarms, most recent to oldest, separating each alarm flash
code by approximately 2 seconds.
In some cases, it may be necessary to “zero” the ASCD for
the compressors in order to perform troubleshooting. To reset
all ASCDs for one cycle, press and release the UCB TEST
button once.
Prior to any of the following maintenance proce-
dures, shut off all power to the unit to prevent per-
sonal injury.
Periodic maintenance normally consists of chang-
ing or cleaning filters.
Do not remove service panels or attempt to clean
the interior of the condenser section when the unit
is powered and/or operating. Shut off all power to
the unit prior to cleaning or maintenance of the
condenser section internals.
Troubleshooting of components may require open-
ing the electrical control box with the power con-
nected to the unit. Use extreme care when
working with live circuits! Check the unit name-
plate for the correct line voltage and set the volt-
meter to the correct range before making any
connections with line terminals.
When not necessary, shut off all electric power to
the unit prior to any of the following maintenance
procedures so as to prevent personal injury.
Label all wires prior to disconnection when servic-
ing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper
and dangerous operation which could cause injury
to person and/or damage unit components. Verify
proper operation after servicing.