Johnson Controls Unitary Products
Protected Compressor -
The compressor shall be a fully
hermetic type, direct drive compressor, that is internally pro-
tected against high pressure and temperature. This is
accomplished by the simultaneous operation of scroll bypass
and a temperature thermal overload sensor which protect the
compressor if undesirable operating conditions occur. The
hermetic motor shall be suction gas cooled and have a volt-
age range of +/- 10% of the unit nameplate voltage. Com-
pressors shall have internal isolation and sound muffling to
minimize vibration and noise, and be externally isolated on a
dedicated, independent mounting.
Indoor Coils -
Indoor coils shall be of the direct expansion,
draw through design and have aluminum plate fins mechani-
cally bonded to seamless internally enhanced tin-coated
copper tubes with all joints brazed.
Condensate Pan -
A corrosion-resistant, long-lasting, water-
tight pan is positioned below the indoor coil to collect and
drain all condensate, preventing build-up of stagnant con-
densate. The condensate pan conforms to ASHRAE 62-89
standards (Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality).
Condensate Drain -
The 3/4 inch NPT female connection is
rigidly mounted to assure proper fit and leak tight seal.
Outdoor Coils -
Outdoor coils shall have aluminum plate
fins mechanically bonded to seamless internally enhanced
copper tubes with all joints brazed, and be a draw through
Refrigerant Circuit and Refrigerant Safety Components
shall include:
Thermal expansion devices (TXV's) shall be
factory mounted and provided, Filter/strainer to eliminate any
foreign matter, reversing valves to control refrigerant flow.
Simple Control Circuit -
Field thermostat wiring connects to
color coded leads using twist on wire connections. Cooling
controls use contactor and relays for simple application and
troubleshooting. Mate-n-lock plug connectors are used.
Enhanced ECM indoor blower control is managed by a multi-
stage indoor blower control board that includes field adjust-
able speed tap jumpers for maximum flexibility and product
application. The electrical control box is not located in the
compressor compartment. The controls are mounted to allow
the separate access panel to be removed for trouble shoot-
ing and maintenance without affecting the normal system
operating pressures. All wiring internal to the unit is color/
number coded.
Pressure Switches -
A high pressure switch is standard in
all units. It is an automatic reset switch. When discharge
pressure reaches 650 psi, the compressor will de-energize
until pressure reaches 450 psi.
Factory Testing -
Installation time and costs are reduced by
easy power and control wiring connections. All units are
completely wired, charged with R-410A and tested prior to
shipment. Test stations using a state-of-the-art computerized
process system shall be used to insure product quality.
Refrigerant charge and component part numbers are verified
via computer bar code scans during assembly. Vital run test
statistics such as system pressure, motor currents, air veloc-
ity and temperature, unit vibration, and gas system safeties
are monitored and recorded by the system to insure unit per-
formance. This data could be provided by serial number
tracking if requested.
Electric Heat -
All electric heat models use 6HK electric
heat, which are available in 4 60V/3/60 from 10 kW to 25
kW. Single point field wiring kits are available for all applica-
tions. Electric heat kits must be certified to UL 1995 standard