FORM 150.52-NM2 (1001)
To achieve optimum performance and trouble-free ser-
vice, it is essential that the proposed installation site meets
with the location and space requirements for the model
being installed. For dimensions, weight and space re-
quirements, including service access details, refer to the
Technical Data Section.
It is important to ensure that the minimum service ac-
cess space is maintained for cleaning and maintenance
The units can be installed at ground level, or on a
suitable rooftop location. In both cases an adequate
supply of air is required. Avoid locations where the
sound output and air discharge from the unit may be
The location should be selected for minimum sun expo-
sure and away from boiler flues and other sources of
airborne chemicals that could attack the condenser coils
and steel parts of the unit.
Protection against corrosive environments is available
by supplying the units with either copper fins, or cured
phenolic or epoxy coating on the condenser coils. Either
the cured phenolic or epoxy-coated coils should be uti-
lized with any units being installed at the seashore, or
where salt spray may hit the units, or where acid rain is
prevalent (copper condenser coils are not recommended
where they may be exposed to acid rain).
If located in an area which is accessible to unautho-
rized persons, steps must be taken to prevent access to
the unit by means of a protective fence. This will help
to prevent the possibility of vandalism, accidental dam-
age, or possible harm caused by unauthorized removal
of protective guards or opening panels to expose rotat-
ing or high voltage components. Check with local au-
thorities regarding safety regulations.
For ground level locations, the unit must be installed on
a suitable flat and level concrete base that extends to
fully support the two side channels of the unit base
frame. A one-piece concrete slab with footings extend-
ing below the frost line is recommended. To avoid noise
and vibration transmission, the unit should not be se-
cured to the building foundation. Mounting holes16 mm
(5/8") are provided in the base rails for bolting the unit
to its foundation. See “Dimensions” for location of the
mounting holes.
On rooftop locations, choose a place with adequate struc-
tural strength to safely support the entire operating weight
of the unit and service personnel. The unit can be mounted
on a concrete slab, similar to ground floor locations, or on
steel channels of suitable strength. The channels should
be spaced at the same centers as the vibration mounting
holes in the unit base frame and must be at least 120 mm
(4-3/4") wide at the contact points. This will allow vi-
bration isolators to be fitted if required. Roof installa-
tions should incorporate the use of spring-type isola-
tors to minimize the transmission of vibration into the
building structure. Additional support should be pro-
vided to the roof at the spring-isolator locations.
Any ductwork or attenuators fitted to the unit must not
have a total static pressure resistance, at full unit airflow,
exceeding the capability of the fans installed in the unit.
Care must be taken not to damage the roof during in-
stallation. If the roof is “bonded”, consult building con-
tractor or architect for special installation requirements.
The standard condenser fans are propeller-type and are
not recommended for use with ductwork, filters or other
nuisance in the condenser air stream.
The unit can be installed in an enclosed plant room, pro-
viding the floor is level and of suitable strength to sup-
port the full operating weight of the unit. It is essential
that there is adequate clearance for airflow to the unit.
The discharge air from the top of the unit must be ducted
away to prevent recirculation of air within the plant room.
If common ducts are used for fans, non-return dampers
must be fitted to the outlet from each fan.
The discharge ducting must be properly sized with a
total static pressure loss, together with any intake static
pressure loss, less than the available static pressure ca-
pability for the type of fan fitted.
The discharge air duct usually rejects outside the build-
ing through a louver. The outlet must be positioned to
prevent the air being drawn directly back into the air
intake for the condenser coils, as such recirculation will
affect unit performance.