The economiser can be adapted to work as a motorised outdoor air damper and the minimum and
maximum outdoor air volume values can be set according to installation requirements (bearing in mind
the unit operating limits).
100 / 125
150 / 175
2.3 Enthalpy probes
In areas where the level of humidity is important, where a more precise control of the economiser to suit
requirements is needed.
2.4 Indoor air quality probe
This option requires the economiser for it to work properly. The probe measures the degree of pollution
due to the level of room occupancy, tobacco, kitchen smoke, carbon monoxide, etc.
When the pre-set limits are exceeded, the control acts on the economiser, adjusting the outdoor air
damper regardless of the cooling operation of the unit.
Three air quality levels can be selected on the probe (the default level is
2.5 Barometric excess pressure damper
This relieves excess air pressure inside the building that may be generated through use of the economiser
or the motorised damper. It is the cheapest and most suitable extraction system for installation where
the air return is duct-free and planned air exhaust is a maximum of 25% of the total supply air flow.
It is formed by an excess pressure damper and rain protection with a built-in bird protection grille.
Options and accessories
Enthalpy probes