how to take care of your cross trainer
Keep the equipment in a dry place with as little temperature variation
as possible. Try to protect from dust and always unplug when not in
use (if applicable).
Use a warm, damp cloth to wipe the surfaces. Mild detergent may be
used if necessary.
Ensure you regularly check components for wear and make sure all
the nuts and bolts are tightened before each exercise session.
If you are having problems with your heart rate reading please
note that some fibres used in clothes eg) polyester, create static
electricity that may prevent a reliable heart rate reading. Mobile
phones, TV’s, microwaves and other electrical appliances that
generate an electromagnetic field may also interfere with heart rate
If you are still having problems with your equipment, please get in
touch with your local York distributor using the details found in the
Customer Support section on page 5.
Never remove the
protective casing.
If you have a problem with your equipment, before you do anything else please check that all
the cables have been connected correctly. Loose cables are very common and many problems
can be solved by making sure the cables are properly connected