About Alerts:
an alert is the state or status of a
device when it detects an abnormal condition,
such as high water level. Alert also refers to the
notifications that you or other recipients can
receive to notify you of the device's abnormal
condition, for example to receive an alert about
low water for a storage tank. Finally, "alert" is a
verb, such as "the water depth sensor alerted at
seven this morning". General alert/notification
settings are found in the Alarm Strategy section
of the app - this is where you determine if you
would prefer to receive, for example, an email or
a SMS message when one of your sensors
alerts. But a device can have its own specific
alert settings, such as for the Water Depth
Alert Reminder:
the Alert Reminder duration
defines the duration between the first alert and
the first reminder of the alert. If you want to be
reminded of an alert 10 minutes after the first
alert, set this duration to 10 minutes. Leave or
set this duration to 0 or move the disable/enable
switch to the disabled position if you do not wish
to be reminded.
Alert Interval:
the Alert Interval duration defines
the duration of additional Alert Reminders. This
duration would apply to the second reminder,
and any subsequent alert reminders. If you
would like to be reminded at one hour intervals
after the first reminder, set this duration to 60
minutes. If you do not want additional reminders
after the first reminder, set the duration to 0 or
slide the enable/disable switch to disabled.