Unscrew the outlet from the electrical
box and pull it out with the wires s ll
a ached
Three wires will be a ached to the outlet: an
incoming hot wire, which is
black; a
neutral wire, which is
white; and a
grounding wire, which is
green or bare
copper. There may be other wires in the box,
but you should only be working with the wires
connected directly to the outlet
Compare your new outlet with the one
you’re replacing to find the corresponding
l o c a o n s fo r t h e e l e c t r i c a l s c r e w
* If you must remove the exis ng outlet, labeling the wires
first may be helpful
Since the power is off, you can match the
connector in a simple way: do not disconnect
all wires at once, otherwise it may cause
confusion, but unscrew and connect one wire
at a me
Hot Wire
(Typically Black)
(Typically Green or Bare Copper)
Neutral Wire
(Typically White)