Automa on
Easily set up rules for “if this then do that” func ons
Go to “Smart”, tap “Automa on” followed by the “ ” icon to add an automa on
Fill in details followed by the “ ” icon
Tap to add an
automa on
Tap “ ” bu on
to enable or disable
the automa on
* Click to edit the automa on.
Swipe le to view the history
logs and to edit or delete the
automa on
Edit trigger
Edit behavior
* You must have at least one
ac on device, or you cannot set
a behavior
Edit when
* Set a me range for the
automa on (always or during
specific days / mes)
Edit name
for the automa on
Tap to save the se ngs
* Garage Door Sensor 2 can be set as a trigger only, Garage Door Controller cannot be set as either a trigger or an ac on device