Do not Operate your R/C system within 1 mile of another site where radio control activity may occur.
Fully extend the transmitter antenna.
If the transmitter antenna is not fully extended range will be reduced and control may be lost.
Never operate in the rain or run through puddles. The transmitter, receiver, batteries and most servos, and speed controls are not waterproof.
Contact with any type of moisture or immersion in water or snow will cause damage along with possible loss of control. Should any type of mois-
ture enter any component of the system immediately stop using the R/C system and return to our service center for inspection.
Do not operate two or more models on the same frequency at the same time.
Operation of two or more models on the same frequency at the same time will cause interference and loss of control of both models.
AM, FM and PCM are different methods of modulation. Nonetheless the same frequency can not be used at the same point in time, regardless
of the signal format.
Steering Trim
Steering neutral adjustments can be made by moving the Steering trim knob to
the left or right.
Racers Tip
When you install a servo always check to be sure the servo is at its neutral
position. Adjust the servo horn hole position and linkage so both are parallel.
When a servo saver is used place it as close to center position as possible. Be
sure the steering trim on the transmitter is at the neutral position.
Trim Operation And Maximum Trave
Changing the trim can effect the overall settings, when adjustments are made
with the trims recheck your installation for maximum servo travel. (Steering EPA
right side and left side).
When Trim usage is extreme
If it takes most of your trim movement to get a servo to the neutral position,
reposition the servo horn or servo saver on the servo and inspect your linkage
Throttle Trim
Throttle neutral adjustments can be made moving the throttle trim to the left or
Racers Tip
When using a electronic speed control set the throttle trim to neutral and make
adjustments to the speed control. On a gas powered model set the trim to
neutral and adjust the linkage to the point where the carburetor is fully closed in
accordance with the engine instruction manual.
Trim Operation and Travel
Trim adjustments will effect the overall servo travel, check the brake side (back-
ward) movement when changes are made.
When trim movement is extreme
If you use most of the trim movement to get the servo to the neutral position , recenter
the servo horn closer to the neutral position and inspect your throttle linkage.
Steering D/R
Use this function to adjust the steering travel of your model. If the model under-
steers (push) while cornering, add steering by turning the dial clockwise. When
the model oversteers (loose), take away steering by turning the dial counter-
Servo Reverse
This function reverses the rotation direction of the steering and throttle servos.
Battery Installation
Slide open the battery door on the bottom of the transmitter. Instal (8) AA
batteries into the transmitter in the configuration molded into the plastic on the
battery holder. Re-install the battery door.
When switched on, the red light on the transmitter should light up. If the red
light blinks, the batteries are low and should be replaced.