IM WT5000-01EN
User-Defined Events (User Defined Event)
User-defined events can be used to trigger data storage. You can define up to eight user-defined events.
Turning User-Defined Events On and Off
Select whether to enable user-defined events.
User-Defined Event Name (Name)
• Number of characters: Up to 8
• Usable characters: Spaces and all characters that are displayed on the keyboard
Judgment Conditions (Expression)
Set the judgment conditions.
Judgment Method (Expression Type)
Select the judgment method from the following options.
• Range (Range): Specify judgment conditions using ranges of measurement function values or differences
from a reference value.
• Condition (Condition): Specify judgment conditions using user-defined events.
Indication of User-Defined Event Occurrence (Indications)
Set the character strings to show when a user-defined event occurs (True) and when it does not occur (False).
• Number of characters: Up to 6
• Usable characters: Spaces and all characters that are displayed on the keyboard
Range (Range)
Specify the judgment condition here when you have set the judgment condition specification method to Range.
• Function (Function)
You can select any of the measurement function types listed under “Items That This Instrument Can
• Element (Element/Σ)
• If you select a function other than Speed, Torque, Pm, Slip, or SyncSp, depending on the function, select
the element/wiring unit from the following options, or you may not need to select it. The available options
vary depending on the installed elements.
Element1, Element2, Element3, Element4, Element5, Element6, Element7, ΣA, ΣB, ΣC
• If you select Speed, Torque, Pm, Slip, or SyncSp for the function (Function), select the motor number from
the following options. The options vary depending on the installed motor evaluation function option.
Motor 1, Motor 2, Motor 3, Motor 4
• Harmonic Order (Order (k))
This is the same as setting the harmonic order in all items display of the numeric data display.
• Judgment Condition
Select the method for comparing the measured value and the reference value from the following options.
OFF, <, <=, =, >, >=, !=(not equal)
• Reference Value
Select a number from –9.9999 T to 9.9999 T.
8 Computation Function