IM DL35-01EN
Trigger (Trigger)
Time Base (Time Base)
Under the initial settings, the instrument samples the measured signals using the clock signal produced by its
internal time-base circuit (internal clock). You can also use an external clock signal to control sampling. One
data sample is stored to the acquisition memory at every pulse in the external clock signal. The external clock
input is useful when you want to monitor the waveform using a clock signal that is in sync with the signal being
Apply the external clock signal to the external-clock input terminal (CLKI) on the left panel. For the specifications
of the external-clock input terminal, see the
Getting Started Guide
, IM DL350-03EN.
The internal clock signal is used as the time base (time scale settings Time/Div and
Record Time are valid).
An external clock signal is used as the time base (time scale settings Time/Div and
Record Time are invalid).
Pulses per Rotation (Pulse/Rotate)
When the time base is an external clock, you can specify how many pulses of the external clock signal (how
many sampled data acquisitions) correspond to one mechanical rotation (or period). For example, if you set
Pulse/Rotate to 100 pulses, when the record length is 10 kpoint, 100 rotations worth of sampled data will be
acquired. When Pulse/Rotate is set to 1 pulse, each point of sampled data corresponds to a single rotation.
The Pulse/Rotate setting only affects the horizontal-cursor measurement values and how the time axis is
displayed on the screen. For example, if you set Pulse/Rotate to 100 pulses, when the record length is 10
kpoint, 1 div will correspond to 10 rotations. With these settings, if you move the cursor by 1 div, the measured
horizontal value will increase or decrease by 10.
Selectable range for pulses: 1 to 24000
5 Waveform Acquisition