2. YCA Protocol
IM 249x-COMM
Up to four digits with an optional decimal point and an optional multiplier.
The second section is for the zero offset, or ‘LO’ setting. It has the same format
as ‘HI’ with the addition of a plus or minus sign at the beginning. If the sign is
omitted it defaults to plus.
Note: Both the LO and HI values are based on the primary side of the PT and
CT and will change proportionally if the PT or CT settings are changed.
The last digit is for the ‘Center’ setting. There are only two choices:
‘0’ for 0 to 1mA or ‘1’ for -1 to 1mA.
Voltmeters, ammeters and any meters using 4-20mA output do not have a
-1to1mA CENTER option.
For example, if you wish to set a voltmeter with 0-1 milliamps output to send out1
mA when the input voltage is 160V and 0 mA when the input is 0 you would
DP 01 OUT1 160/0/0
(HI = 160, LO=0, CENTER=0 to 1)
If you want a wattmeter with -1to1 mA output to give max output (+1mA) when
the input is 15050 Watts and minimum output (-1mA) when the input is -15065
Watts you would enter:
DP 01 OUT1 15.05K/-7.5/1
For HI you can’t put ‘15050’ because that is more than four digits.
CENTER is -1to1 then LO becomes the halfway point between minimum and
maximum output, so -7.5 is halfway between 15050 and -15065.
Special Note: for VAR and Power Factor meters, ‘Lead’ is shown as a negative
value and ‘Lag’ is shown as a positive value.
Sample Average
DP aa AVG xx
number of samples taken before displaying measurement. Valid values
are 00 to 29. Must always be two digits. If you want to set the unit to eight
samples enter ‘08’ not ‘8’.
Key Lock
This will disable the buttons on the front panel. No parameter is necessary to
change this setting. When you send the ‘DP’ command it will just change to the
opposite setting. Lock >> unlock or unlock >> lock.