IM 12A01A02-12E
9th Edition : Mar. 23, 2018-00
Revision Record
Manual Title : Model FLXA202 / FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer Start-up Manual
Manual No. : IM 12A01A02-12E
Mar. 2018/9th Edition
Change the location of the nameplate, addition of Type n, deletion of stainless steel housing, etc.
Oct. 2015/8th Edition
Addition of FLXA202
Apr. 2015/7th Edition
Change of “type of ground” of the stainless steel housing (pages 14 and 15)
Note for wall mounting (pages 14 and 15)
Oct. 2014/6th Edition
Correction of discriptions and words
Oct. 2013/5th Edition
Addition of MONITOR display
Correction of discriptions and words
Sep. 2013/4rd Edition
Pages are significantly reduced
Feb. 2012/3rd Edition
Addition of descriptions and drawings for intrinsically safe type
Change of descriptions of messages on displays
Change of figures of housing due to change of position of external grounding for stainless steel
Change of figures of wiring covers
Change of description of message language due to addition of message languages
And, other corrections
Aug. 2010/2nd Edition
Followings are mainly revised;
Addition of grounding terminal position on stainless housing with specific mountings
Addition of plate position on stainless housing with specific coatings
Addition of explanation of sleeve for grounding wire for plastic housing
Correction of torques
Addition of Note, Warning etc.
Addition of detail descriptions for wire terminals
Addition of drawings of housing with hood
Addition of example displays for calculated data and redundant system
Addition of explanation of passwords
Correction of errors on the User setting tables
May 2010/1st Edition
Newly published