IM 701450-61E
The computed values of harmonics can be saved to a file in CSV format (.csv extension)
to a floppy disk, Zip disk, PC card, or external SCSI device. The computed results of
Harmonic waveform computation are saved.
Data in CSV format is data in comma-separated format. The CSV file is one of the common
data formats used to exchange data between spreadsheet and database applications.
The selection of the storage medium and directory, file name, comments, auto naming
function, specification of the files to be displayed in the File List window, and properties
are the same as those for saving/loading normal waveform data. For the procedure, see
section 12.7 in the
DL7440/DL7480 User’s Manual IM701450-01E
Precautions to Be Taken When Saving Computed Results of Harmonics
Saving is not possible when the operator of computed waveform Math1 or Math2 is not
set to Harmonic or when computed waveform display is OFF.
Example in Which the Data Saved to CSV Format Is Opened Using a Spreadsheet
For a description of the Harmonic waveform computation, see section 7 in this manual.
Data Size
When Math1 and Math2 are Class C
9157 bytes (maximum)
When Math1 is Class A and Math2 is not harmonic computation
3129 bytes (minimum)
The data size vary between 3192 and 9157 bytes depending on the settings.
The extension is .CSV.
This function cannot be used when using the FTP server function, the LPR client function, or
the Web server function.
Of the computed results of harmonics, the computed values of each harmonic component
and the limits defined by the standard can be saved to a file in CSV format as described
above. The waveform data of harmonics cannot be saved.
The waveform of the displayed trend cannot be saved. The original measured values of
waveform parameters per cycle used for the trend display can be saved. For instruction on
saving the measured values, see section 12.9 in the
DL7440/DL7480 User’s Manual
The original waveform data used to perform harmonic computation or determine the
measured values of waveform parameters per cycle can be saved. If the original waveform
data is saved in binary format, harmonic computation and waveform parameter measurement
per cycle can be executed as described in section 7 and 8 in this manual, and the trend can
be displayed by loading the data into the DL7400 with the Power Analysis Function (/G4
option). For instructions on saving the data in binary format, see section 12.7 in the
DL7480 User’s Manual
11 Saving the Computed Results of Harmonics