NR130 5G Router User Manual
Copyright @ Yifan 2021
Enabling SSHd allows users to access the Linux OS of their Router with an SSH client
SSH TCP Forwarding:
Enable or disable to support the TCP forwarding
Password Login:
Allows login with the Router password (username is
Port number for SSHd (default is 22)
Authorized Keys:
Here users paste their public keys to enable key-based login (more
secure than a simple password)
System log
Enable Syslog to capture system messages. By default they will be collected in the local file
/var/log/messages. To send them to another system, enter the IP address of a remote
syslog server.
Syslog Out Mode:
Two log mode
The log information output to a syslog server
The log information output to console port
Remote Server:
If choose net mode, users should input a syslog server’s IP Address
and run a syslog server program on it.
Enable a telnet server to connect to the Router with telnet. The username is
admin and the password is the Router's password.
If users use the Router in an untrusted environment (for example as a public
hotspot), it is strongly recommended to use SSHd and deactivate telnet.
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