NR130 5G Router User Manual
Copyright @ Yifan 2021
DHCP Type:
DHCP Server and DHCP Forwarder
Enter DHCP Server if set DHCP Type to DHCP Forwarder as blow:
DHCP Server:
Keep the default Enable to enable the Router's DHCP server option. If
users have already had a DHCP server on their network or users do not want a DHCP
server, then select Disable
Start IP Address:
Enter a numerical value for the DHCP server to start with when issuing
IP addresses. Do not start with (the Router's own IP address).
Maximum DHCP Users:
Enter the maximum number of PCs that users want the DHCP
server to assign IP addresses to. The absolute maximum is 253 if is users'
starting IP address.
Client Lease Time:
The Client Lease Time is the amount of time a network user will be
allowed connection to the Router with their current dynamic IP address. Enter the amount
of time, in minutes, that the user will be "leased" this dynamic IP address.
Static DNS (1-3):
The Domain Name System (DNS) is how the Internet translates
domain or website names into Internet addresses or URLs. Users' ISP will provide them with
at least one DNS Server IP address. If users wish to utilize another, enter that IP address in
one of these fields. Users can enter up to three DNS Server IP addresses here. The Router
will utilize them for quicker access to functioning DNS servers.
The Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) manages each PC's interaction with
the Internet. If users use a WINS server, enter that server's IP address here. Otherwise,
leave it blank.
Users’ domain name in the field of local search, increase the expansion of
the host option, to adopt DNSMasq can assign IP addresses and DNS for the subnet, if
select DNSMasq, DHCPD service is used for the subnet IP address and DNS.
15. Time Settings
Select time zone of your location. To use local time, leave the checkmark in the box next to
Use local time.
NTP Client:
Get the system time from NTP server
Time Zone:
Time zone options
Summer Time (DST):
set it depends on users' location
Server IP/Name:
IP address of NTP server, up to 32 characters. If blank, the system will
find a server by default