Assembly Cont.
We strive to make the best bikes in the world,
because of this dedication to be the best, we continually make
changes to our bikes as needed. as the bikes are improved,
assembly and setup instructions may be affected. any
amendments to the existing owners Manual can be found on
our website. www.yeticycles.com
frame assembly
slide the black inner Bushing into the iGUs
Bushing on the top end of the Dogbone.
frame assembly
orient the shock into the proper position on the
bike. slide the head of the shock in the frame tabs as shown. line up
the thru holes on the frame tabs and the shock eyelet. slide the Female
Yeti Bolt 24.8mm and Washer (8.5 X 12.5 X 0.5 mm) through the frame and
frame assembly
swing the Dogbone up to the preferred travel
position and lineup the thru holes on the frame and Dogbone. slide
the Female Yeti Bolt 24.8mm and Washer (8.5 X 12.5 X 0.5 mm) through the
frame and shock
frame assembly
thread the Male pivot Bolt 17mm and Washer
(8.5 X 12.5 X 0.5 mm) into the female bolt. Make sure to apply a small
amount of blue loctite to the threads.
linkaGe assembly
Use two 5mm allen keys to secure the Button
Head Bolts (M6 X 1 X 12 mm).
torque spec: 125-150 inch pounds.
linkaGe assembly
tighten the socket Cap (M4 X 16 mm)
bolts on the shorlink with a 3mm allen key to finish the linkage
assembly. this step will secure the bearings and make sure the linkage
assembly does not shift under load.
torque spec: 40-50 inch pounds.
frame assembly
Use two 5mm allen keys to secure the male/
female connection.
torque spec: 125-150 inch pounds.
frame assembly
repeat steps 14 and 15 for the shock position
mounting bolt.