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You can register your Yepzon using the Yepzon App. You are 

not required to register as a Yepzon user but we strongly 

recommend doing so.

Once you have registered your Yepzon, you can start using it 

again if the connected phone is lost or damaged and you 

have not shared control of the Yepzon with other devices.

Access and Control

We strongly recommend sharing control of each Yepzon 

device with another guardian or a friend. Once the Yepzon 

has been connected to one device, it is not possible to 

connect it again to another device (using NFC or Bluetooth) 

without first disabling the existing connection. Otherwise, 

any passer-by could connect their own phone to the Yepzon 

carried by your child, as an example.

If you have assigned control of the Yepzon to one phone 

only and said phone is lost or damaged, the connection 

cannot be disabled and the Yepzon can no longer be 

connected to other devices!

Check the Yepzon App for instructions on how to share 

control from each Yepzon’s own menu. Example - Windows 

Phone: Swipe to the “Access Management” page. In this 

view, you can review and share the control privileges. You 

can share the privileges via NFC, if your phone supports it 

(Android and WP), or via e-mail. When sharing privileges via 

e-mail, the message contains a link to installing the App plus 

a one-time link valid for 24 hours to the control privileges of 

the Yepzon in question.


If you wish to locate the Yepzon, open it from the App and 

select “Locate Now”. The App will show you the status of the 

device and ask if you want to start location. If you agree, the 

location request is sent to the Yepzon the next time it 

refreshes its status. The map view will show your own 

location and the last known location of the Yepzon. At the 

same time, the top of the screen will display the time 

remaining before the Yepzon will refresh its status, receive 

the location request, and start satnav.

Yepzon uses a network of GSM base stations and GPS 

satnav to determine its location. If the device is indoors, or if 

the GPS signal is not strong enough, the GPS location data 

may not be received. In this case, a specific location cannot 

be determined.

This view lets you check the Yepzon’s previous modes and 

location data.

Recommended Use

We recommend sharing control of each Yepzon with at least 

one other user. This way, the device can be controlled even if 

the primary device is damaged.

If you want to remove the Yepzon App from your phone, you 

should first remove every instance of Yepzon control.

Yepzon App updates will maintain the details of the 

controlled Yepzons.

Yepzon utilizes cellular network data connections. Upon the 

purchase of a Yepzon, you will receive 6 months of data 

transfer based on reasonable use. Yepzon Oy reserves the 

right to define reasonable use. The App will inform you when 

the usage time ends or when reasonable use has been 

exceeded. When the usage time has ended or the usage limit 

has been exceeded, you can buy more usage for your 

Yepzon via the App.

Check Yepzon’s functionality in your country of residence or 

if you are about to go traveling at

Yepzon utilizes cellular networks. The functionality of the 

networks may vary depending on availability, traffic, or 

environmental hazards.

The accuracy and scope of the location data may vary based 

on factors such as location, environment, and third party 

activities, and may be limited. Location data may not be 

received inside buildings or underground, etc.

You can read more on recommended use at


Yepzon does not substitute parental supervision. Always 

adhere to local laws and regulations.

Switch off the Yepzon in places where the use of cellular 

phones is not permitted or where it can create interference, 

for example, onboard airplanes, in the vicinity of medical 

equipment, and at blasting sites.

Wireless devices are sensitive to interference, which can 

impair the functionality of the device.


The location request will also activate the Yepzon’s 

Bluetooth transmitter. If the Yepzon is within the range of a 

Bluetooth signal (<50m), the phone will inform you of this 

and show a rough distance to the Yepzon (only Android and 

iOS). Buildings and other obstacles can drastically reduce the 

range of the Bluetooth signal.

The location data is refreshed on the map for a limited time 

only. The Yepzon is not designed for continuous monitoring.


The active mode is the Yepzon’s “normal mode.” Usually, the 

device is in active mode when it is on the move. The Yepzon 

will switch to power save mode after a set delay once it 

detects that movement has stopped. When the Yepzon’s 

acceleration sensor detects that the device is moving, it will 

immediately switch back to active mode.

You can set how frequently the Yepzon will connect to the 

server. Setting the interval long will save the Yepzon’s 

battery but it will also create a longer delay before you 

receive the Yepzon’s location data. Therefore, you should 

choose the settings based on your personal requirements 

and use.

Please note that a short refresh rate will also use up more 

data transfer capacity. You can find more information in 

section Recommended Use.

Example 1: Peter takes his lively son to a big playground. He 

places the Yepzon in his son’s pocket and sets the refresh 

rate in active mode to 1 minute, because he wants to know 

his son’s location as quickly as possible in case the child 

disappears from sight. Battery consumption is not a concern 

because Peter has charged the Yepzon full in the morning 

and knows that the battery will last until the evening.

Example 2: Paul is forced to dock his boat for two weeks. He 

is worried about thieves. He hides the Yepzon under the 

covers of his boat and sets the refresh rate in active mode to 

10 minutes. He sets the refresh rate in power save mode to 

12 hours. In the course of the week, he occasionally checks 

the Yepzon’s status on his phone. Paul finds out that the 

Yepzon has quickly entered power save mode and remains in 

it. This means that no one has moved the boat–and the 

battery easily lasts for the entire two weeks!

The device is splash-proof but it is not designed to be worn 

when swimming or to be dipped underwater. Do not subject 

the device to blows or drop it on hard surfaces.

The device is designed to be used at temperatures of -10 – 

+30°C. Coldness may impair the battery capacity. Do not 

subject the device to great temperature variation so as to 

prevent condensation from forming inside the device.

The device includes an integrated rechargeable battery, 

which cannot be removed. You should not dispose of the 

device with household waste. Instead, return it to the place 

of purchase or to a recycling point. You can check the 

location of the nearest recycling point from the local waste 

management authorities. Do not attempt to remove or 

modify the battery as this may damage the device and 

create a hazard. 

Only use standard undamaged chargers equipped with a 

Micro USB connector. Avoid using excessive force when 

plugging the connector into a port.

You can read more on safety at

You can find the manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity at




