Bluetooth Menu
Turn on/off
By default the Bluetooth chip is turned off on the Yellowbrick V3. This
is to conserve battery. From this option you can turn the Bluetooth
pairing and messaging capabilities on/off.
Dependent on the Bluetooth accessories and sensors you have
purchased, you may have other options on this menu.
Android / iOS Software
The ‘Yellowbrick Messenger’ app is available to download from the
Android and Apple App Stores – this software allows you to pair your
smartphone or tablet with the Yellowbrick V3 and send messages to
email and SMS destinations through it from anywhere in the world.
It also allows you to update your social media status amongst other
This is called Advanced Messaging, and is only available on some
Yellowbrick V3 models. You will need a username and password to pair
your Yellowbrick Messenger app with the device.
Your individual
username and password is shown on the admin home page of your
YBlog, just after you log in.
Messages Menu
New Message
From this menu you can choose to send a new preset message
Messages sent using the device will go to your chosen destinations
which are pre-‐setup using either your YBlog (individual customers) or
back-‐office system (corporate customers).
You can choose whether you would like an acknowledgement from the
receiver, and if you wish to send the message immediately (or if not, the
message will be sent on the next scheduled transmission).
When you are finished choosing/writing your message, pressing OK
will put the message into the outbound queue ready to send.
Remember -‐ if you chose the ‘Send Immediately’ option then the
Yellowbrick V3 will try to send straight away. If not, then the
Yellowbrick V3 will queue the message and attempt send it at the same
time as the next scheduled position report.
You can also send free text messages, using a ‘pinball style’ on-‐screen
keyboard. Note, we do not recommend this for long messages!! To do