Support hotline
for existing customers
If neither the manuals nor the FAQs or other contents of the support
website provide a solution, you can open a support ticket by phone.
Our support staff is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at
+44 20 3740 6740 for UK and +49 800 63 66 555 for Germany.
If neither the manuals nor the FAQs or other contents of the support
website provide a solution, you can open a support ticket by phone.
Our support staff is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at
+44 20 3740 6740 for UK and +49 800 63 66 555 for Germany.
Please include at least the following items with your inquiry:
• Your customer number, your name and a telephone number
• A full description of the malfunction, error or question about operation
• Specify the affected system component (e.g. for end devices the MAC
• Specify when this incident occurred and the frequency
• Please also specify which other support sources you have used thus far
Outside our business hours, a central technical support hotline takes your
request, opens the respective ticket and in emergency cases, alerts the on-
call service.
Operating and set-up support may be subject to a fee of up to 120.- € per
hour depending on the respective contract terms. In this connection,
services are billed by the minute.
Support hotline
for test customers
Test customers are routed to a service hotline tailored to their specific
needs. Our staff for this hotline is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5
pm at +44 20 3740 6740 for UK and +49 89 45 300 553 for Germany.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide support for test customers outside
of these business hours.
Support for German customers:
portal.nfon.com ~ support.nfon.com ~+49 800 63 66 555
Support for customers in the UK:
portal.nfon.com ~ support.nfon.com ~ H44 20 3740 6740
Support for customers in Austria:
portal.nfon.com ~ support.nfon.com ~ H43 2742 7 55 66-555
Support for customers in France:
portal.nfon.com ~ support.nfon.com ~ H33 01 88 45 38 00
Support for customers in Italy:
portal.nfon.com ~ support.nfon.com ~ H39 02 99749 920
Support for customers in the Netherlands:
portal.nfon.com ~ support.nfon.com ~ H31 88 938 2444