4 Trial Operation
4.3.1 Inspecting Connection and Status of Input Signals
Inspecting Connection and Status of Input Signals
Check the items in step 1 before trial operation of the servomotor under speed control and position control ref-
erences from the host controller.
Check the connection and status of input signals using the following procedure.
Before performing trial operation of the servomotor alone under references from the host controller, be sure
that the servomotor has no load (i.e., the coupling and belt are removed from the servomotor) to prevent
unexpected accidents.
To host controller
To main circuit
power supply
To control
power supply
Secure the motor flange to
the machine, but do not
connect the motor shaft to
the load shaft.
Connect the necessary input signals to the I/O signal connector (CN1) under the following con-
• It must be possible to input servo ON signal (/S-ON).
• The forward run prohibited (P-OT) and reverse run prohibited (N-OT) input signals must be
ON (L level) (i.e., the servomotor must be able to run in forward and reverse).
Settings: CN1-42 and CN1-43 must be ON (low) or Pn50A.3 and Pn50B.0 must be set to 8 to
disable the forward and reverse run prohibited function.
Note: Return the settings to the previous ones after completing trial operation.
• Make sure that no reference is being input.
• If Pn002.2 is set to 1, the absolute encoder can temporarily be used as an incremental encoder,
which makes it possible to perform trial operation of the servomotor without Fn008 and SEN
signal settings.
Connect a safety function device to CN8 when using the safety function.
For the connecting method, refer to
(1) Connecting a Safety Function Device.
Refer to the following connec-
tion diagrams.
3.3.3 Example of I/O Signal
Connections in Speed Control
3.3.4 Example of I/O Signal
Connections in Position Con-
3.3.5 Example of I/O Signal
Connections in Torque Control
5.9 Absolute Encoders
5.11 Safety Function
3.3.2 SERVOPACK Safety
Function Signal (CN8) Names
and Functions
Connect the connector of the host controller to the I/O signal connector (CN1) on the multi-
winding drive unit.