4.6 Setup Procedure for Elevator Applications
When using a single-phase AC power supply for rescue operation such as a single-phase UPS, the ripple in the DC bus
voltage will be higher than with a three-phase or battery supply. Make sure that the DC bus voltage never falls below the
minimum value listed in
Table 4.13
When using a PM motor with an incremental PG encoder and a PG-X3 option card, always perform Initial Magnet Pole
Search Parameters Auto-Tuning (T2-01=3) with the normal power supply connected. The tuning function will prepare
the drive for Rescue Operation by automatically setting certain parameters. If the tuning ends with an “End8” to “End10”
fault, then rescue operation will require a battery or UPS that supplies the drive DC bus with at least 280 Vdc for 200 V
class drives and 560 Vdc for 400 V class drives. Alternatively utilize to an absolute PG encoder and a PG-E3 or PG-F3
option card.
Table 4.13 Power Supply Ratings for Rescue Operation
Motor Type
Speed Feedback
DC Bus Voltage
Control Circuit Voltage
Induction Motor
Incremental PG Encoder with PG-X3 option
200 V class drives: 48 to 340 Vdc
4 00 V class drives: 96 to 680 Vdc
Incremental PG Encoder with PG-X3 option
“End8” to “End10” error occurs during Initial
Magnet Pole Search Auto-Tuning
200 V class drives: 280 to 340 Vdc
400 V class drives: 560 to 680 Vdc
W hen supplied from a battery or the drive DC bus:
200 V class drives: 250 to 340 Vdc
400 V class drives: 280 to 680 V (recommended: 500 to 680 Vdc)
Permanent Magnet Motor
Incremental PG Encoder with PG-X3 option
N o error occurs during Initial M agnet Pole
Search Auto-Tuning
200 V class drives: 72 to 340 Vdc
400 V class drives: 144 to 680 Vdc
W hen supplied via a 24 Vdc control power backup unit:
200 V and 400 V class drives: 24 Vdc
Absolute PG Encoder with PG-F3 or PG-E3
option card
200 V class drives: 48 to 340 Vdc
4 00 V class drives: 96 to 680 Vdc
■ Parameter Setup
Adjust drive parameters as described below when using Rescue Operation.
• Select the type o f Rescue Operation power supply for the drives main circuit in parameter S4-06.
• When using a UPS, set the UPS power value to parameter S4-07. Use parameter S4-08 to decide if the Rescue
Operation speed shall be limited automatically depending on the UPS power.
• If deterioration o f the battery or UPS shall be detected, also set up parameters S4-12 and S4-13. Measure the DC bus
voltage during operation using the rescue power supply and set the measured value to parameter S4-12. Set the
deterioration detection level to parameter S4-13.
• Set parameters S4-01 to S4-04 if light load direction search shall be automatically performed when Rescue Operation
is started.
■ Wiring Examples
Switching the main power supply to a battery or UPS requires magnetic contactors that must be controlled by an external
controller. Wiring methods and the sequence used for the magnetic contactors depend on the application. This instruction
manual describes the following configurations:
• A single-phase, 230 V UPS is used as backup power supply for a 200 V or 400 V class drive.
• Two separate batteries for the main power and control power supplies. Main power battery voltage is below 250 Vdc
for 200 V class drives or 500 Vdc for 400 V class drives.
• Two separate batteries. One is used for the main power supply, a second battery supplies the controller via an optional
24 V Backup Power Supply Unit.
• A single battery with minimum 250 Vdc for 200 V class drives or 500 Vdc for 400 V class drives is used for the main
and control power supply.
Select the configuration that matches your application. Follow the corresponding instructions for wiring and drive
settings. For configurations not covered in the list above, contact your Yaskawa representative or our sales office directly
for consultation.
E le c tric a l S h o c k H azard. D o n o t c o n n e c t o r d is c o n n e c t w irin g w h ile the p o w e r is on. N e v e r re m o v e o r in s ta ll op tio n cards
o r a tte m p t to re p la c e th e c o o lin g fan w hile the d riv e is s w itc h e d on. M a k e sure th a t th e drive a n d a ll d e vice s c o n n e c te d to th e drive
h a v e b e e n s h u t o ff p rio r to p e rfo rm in g a n d type o f m a in te n a n c e o r wiring. A fte r sh u ttin g o f f th e pow er, w a it fo r a t le a s t the a m o u n t o f
tim e s p e c ifie d on the d riv e b e fo re to u c h in g a n y co m p o n e n ts o r p e rfo rm w iring. The in te rn a l c a p a c ito r re m a in s c h a rg e d e v e n a fte r the
p o w e r s u p p ly is tu rn e d off.
B e sure to th o ro u g h ly re a d th e in s tru c tio n s fo r w iring a n d m a g n e tic c o n ta c to r s e q u e n c e d e s c rib e d in this s e c tio n b e fore
s e ttin g up the drive fo r R e s c u e O peration. F ailure to fo llo w th e se in s tru c tio n s can d a m a g e the drive.
R e fra in from u s in g R e s c u e O pe ra tio n fo r e x te n d p e rio d s o f tim e. R e s c u e O p e ra tio n use s a lo w D C b u s voltage, w h ich can
cau se the c o o lin g fan to s h u t o ff te m p o ra rily d u rin g R e s c u e O peration. C o n tin u in g to o p e ra te u n d e r the se co n d itio n s can trig g e r an
o v e rh e a t fa u lt a n d d a m a g e the drive.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual