4. Installation Guide
This chapter explains how to install the YARD FORCE Robotic Lawnmower, please read
this completely before you start the installation.
4.1. Introduction
It is recommended that you make a draft of your lawn, including all obstacles and how
these should be protected. It makes it easier to find a good position for charging station
and how to correctly place the boundary wire around your garden perimeter protecting
bushes, flower beds etc. You will also need some tools, like a hammer and wire cutters
pliers or scissors.
4.2. Cutting Limitations
For rigid and fixed Obstacles higher than 100 mm, such as walls, fences garden furniture
etc. the crash sensors reacts immediately YARD FORCE Robotic Lawnmower will
STOP, reverse backwards and then turn around to cut in another direction but it is still
recommendable to protect the obstacle by creating a boundary around these.
< 400 mm
The YARD FORCE Robotic Lawnmower treats trees as common obstacles, but if some
roots of the tree are exposed in your garden and lower than 100mm, this area should be
protected in order to prevent tree root, cutting blades or rear wheels profile damage.
If there is rocks or stones situated within the cutting area, this is also an obstacle and
needs to be protected as the robotic mower could ride upwards on.
The YARD FORCE Robotic Lawnmower is able to climb uphill and downhill up to a
maximum of 50 % incline or decline within the cutting area however it is advisable if
there is a decline directly towards a boundary wire then this slope should be less than 10
degrees to prevent the Mower from overrunning and pass the boundary wire due to robotic
mower downhill running speed, especially if raining or cutting in wet slippery conditions.
Slope should not
be steeper than 50 % (27
> 100 mm