16. Checking steering wheel
Check free play of steering wheel. The normal free
play is 20-50 mm.
This tractor is equipped with hydrostatic power steering
and it causes less wearing of steering system.
When free play is more than normal, check wearing of
tie rod ends. The wearing of tie rod end causes more
free play on steering wheel.
(A) Steering wheel free play.
Measure the free play on wheel circle.
(A) Tie rod (B),(C) Tie rod end
17. Adjusting fan belt
Stop the engine and wait until the engine is sufficiently
cooled down. Otherwise, you may be burned.
Press the fan belt with a finger at the midpoint and see
the belt deflections.
The specified deflection is 10 -15 mm.
Open the bonnet.
(2) Loosen alternator bolt, belt adjuster bolt, and
alternator nut.
(3) Move alternator to stretch the belt tight. Tighten
alternator bolt and see deflection. If the deflection is
10 - 15 mm, tighten alternator bolt, alternator nut and
belt adjuster bolt.
When tractor is new, fan belt stretched in a short time.
Check belt deflection frequently.
(A) Fan belt (B) Alternator bolt.
(C) Alternator
(B) Alternator bolt (C) Alternator
(D) Belt adjuster (E) Belt adjuster bolt
(F) Alternator nut