Reference Manual
Version 1.10,
Page 14 of 13
Step 4: Power-up the player in proper way.
Step 5: Start the yapp application. Press the “Detect Device” button located in the toolbar.
YAPP should detect the ATMEGA162.
Step 6: Create a new project. Select the “Project, New Project” menu. This step will create
a project window, a Flash window and an EEPROM window.
Step 7: Erase the contents of the ATMega162. Select the “Program, Erase Chip” menu and
follow the directions.
Step 8: To make sure everything is blank. Select the “Program, Blank Check” menu and
follow the directions.
Step 9: Program the Boot loader. Click anywhere in the Flash window then select the
“File, Load” menu. Choose the “y3_boot_M161C_mode.hex” File. The Boot loader should
be in the computer memory.
Step 10: Now it’s time to transfer the Boot loader into the ATMega162. Select “Program,
Write Flash” menu and follow the directions.
Step 11: Verification of the flash integrity. Select “Program, Verify Flash” menu and follow
the directions.
Step 12: Program the fuses. Select the “Program, Lock bits & Fuses” menu. Select the
fuses to be programmed and press the “Write Fuses” button. The next image shows the
exact fuse setting you should use.