Yamarin 79 Day Cruiser
42 (53)
land-locked lake, or if it is lifted out of the water at least once every two weeks, it is normally
not necessary to use antifouling paint. Carefully follow the paint manufacturer’s instructions
when applying the paint. When sanding old antifouling paint, remember that the dust is
Antifouling paint is not necessary in fresh water (lake areas). We nevertheless recommend
using an epoxy primer if the boat will be in the water for several months each year. Fresh
water, and warm fresh water in particular, is more readily absorbed by the laminate than sea
Do not paint over the zinc anodes or the piston rods of hydraulic
trim tabs. Do not apply paints containing copper on aluminium
parts, and remember to follow the paint manufacturer’s
Useful tip: Do not throw away a used paint brush. A dried and hardened paint brush that has
been used for antifouling paint
can be reused if you first soak it for a couple of hours in a mix of 2 litres of hot water, 100 ml
of vinegar, and 50 ml of baking powder.
Perform the necessary service procedures required for the engine according to the engine
manual. Check the functioning of electric equipment and remove any oxidation from fuse
connectors etc.
Remember that petrol goes stale over time, and you must always start the engine with fresh
petrol in the spring.
When the boat has been launched you should open all hull bushings and check to ensure
that there are no
leaking hoses or connectors. The locations of bushings (through fittings) are shown in
section 5. Bring your safety equipment
back on board before setting out.