12. Polishing
Polish by using brush, fabric buff, with C&B
Diamond polisher or C&B Nano Diamond Polisher.
8. Translucent Application and Light
In cases where Translucent is required, apply
Translucent and light cure for about 60 sec.
11. Finishing
Remove any scars with paper cone and silicon
point to make the surface smooth.
13. Complete
[ Basic Build-Up Layering for Facing Crown ]
Facing Crown
Forming Examples
Final Light Cure
9. Final Light Curing
After final layering, light Cure for about 180 sec
as a final light curing.
Figure Adjustment
10. Correction to Shape
Correct the shape using a carborundum or
diamond point.
* Additional Layering
In case of additional layering after corrections to
shape, apply Repair Liquid thinly and apply
needed body resin. Light cure for 60 sec., the
same steps as 5-9.
*Conventional curing time is indicated in the following steps.
In case, the LED CURE Master is used, please confirm "Light Curing Schedule" on pade 9.