7 9
The W5/W7 s three System Effects are powerful, studio
quality stereo digital sound processing modules that you assign
to a multi in order to provide extra depth and dimension to the
overall mix. There are a total of 40 separate effects devices, or
effect types , from which you can choose to assign to each of
the three System Effect sends of the mixer. You can also access
and edit the various parameters of each device.
System Effects
Return 1
1 : Rev Module
Return 2
2 : Chorus Module
Return 3
3 : Dly/Rev Module
Each System Effect is routed to a specific processor
module .
The types of effects that you can assign to each of the three
System Effects depends on the particular send, as each System
Effect send is routed to a specific DSP module. You cannot
assign a hall reverb from system effect module 1 to a send 2.
- The types
of effects in the reverb module includes halls, rooms,
tunnel, plate and other reverbs, plus echo and various
stereo delays.
- The types
of effects in the chorus module includes chorus, flanger,
phaser, auto pan, rotary speaker, pitch change, Aural
, and more.
The types of effects in the delay/reverb module
includes˚various delays and reverbs, including gate,
reverse and early reflection, as well as series combina-
tions such as distortion/delay, EQ/reverb and others.
For a complete listing of System Effect Types and
Parameters, see the
W5/W7 Technical Information booklet.
* Aural Exciter
is a registered trademark of and is manufac-
tured under license from Aphex Systems Ltd.
The System Effect send levels for each Instrument track are
located in the effects block section of the mixer, and are
accessed and adjusted from within Song Multi Play Mode by
positioning the cursor over any effect send (1, 2, or 3) pot in
any track. The send level is simply the amount of volume of
the Instrument voice that gets routed, or sent, to an effects
When you position the cursor over an effect send pot, you
can adjust the send level using JOG, INC/DEC, or the KEYPAD.
Also, the screen will display additional functions which you can
access via the function keys.
- Pressing [F5] ( Type ) lets you assign which
type of effect (i.e., which particular effects device) you
want for each of the three System Effects, as well as the
return level for each. The return level is simply the
amount of volume of the effected signal which gets sent
back, or returned, to the stereo mixer.
To assign an effect type to each System Effect, using the
CURSOR keys, position the cursor over the value field
of EF1 , EF2 , or EF3 , and using JOG, INC/DEC (or
the KEYPAD), select an effects device the names of
each effect will appear to the right of the value field as
you step or scroll through them.
To set the return level of each effect, position the cursor
over the corresponding Return level field of the desired
effect, and using the JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD,
adjust the value.
- Whichever type of effect the cursor is
placed at in the System Effect Type display, above,
determines the parameter list which will appear when
you press [F6] ( Param ).