Maintenance screen
Reference Manual
TF Series
- 85 -
Under Synchronization
Settings are bring performed for a Tio1608-D on the Dante network
connected to the NY64-D.
When the Tio1608-D is in Resume mode, this message may be
displayed continuously on the SLOT SETUP screen. This is not a
Wrong Word Clock! (Dante Device)
The sample rate setting of a device on the Dante network connected to
the NY64-D is incorrect, therefore the device cannot sync to the NY64-
Linked at 10/100Mbps. Check Cables
or Switches.
A switch or cable that does not support Gigabit Ethernet is connected
to the Dante network connected to the NY64-D.
Error on the Dante Primary Port
When using a redundancy network, an error has occurred on the
PRIMARY network and the SECONDARY network is being used.
Error on the Dante Secondary Port
When using a redundancy network, an error has occurred on the
SECONDARY network.
Dante Patch or Setting Modified
A setting that is different from the values determined by Quick Config
has been set, perhaps by Dante Controller.
Restart Tio to Complete Quick Config
The Tio1608-D Device Config or other settings do not equal Quick
Config values. Restart the Tio1608-D.
No Option Card Installed
There is no NY64-D card installed in the expansion slot.
This message is displayed when the Quick Config button is ON and
there is no NY64-D card installed.
TF Controls First 20 Dante Devices
The maximum number of Dante devices on the Dante network
connected to the NY64-D has been exceeded.
TF Controls HAs of Maximum of
3 Dante Devices
The maximum number of Dante devices with HA on the Dante network
connected to the NY64-D has been exceeded.
Unknown Option Card Installed!
An unsupported card has been found in the console's expansion slot.
Overcurrent Detected (Slot)
Overcurrent was detected in the card installed in the expansion slot.
Slot Communication Error!
A communication error occurred in the card installed in the expansion
Dante Module Restarted!
The Dante module of the NY64-D was restarted.
Dante Setting Error! Please Restart the
An error occurred in the Dante module of the NY64-D that requires you
to restart the console.
If this message is displayed, restart the console.
Dante I/O Device Disconnected
A Dante device was disconnected from the NY64-D.
Two or More HA Controllers may
Cause Conflict
More than one device on the Dante network can control the same
device's HA, therefore operational conflicts may occur.
This message is displayed every time the HA Control on the SLOT
SETUP screen is turned on, but it does not indicate a malfunction.